
Different Styles for a Man in Different Occasions

    A majority of a men’s wardrobe maybe the formal wear and is open some casual wear. Either in the evening party, ceremony or business meeting, a qualified man should wear the formal wear or semi-formal wear. Which styles to choose in different occasion and black tie or white tie? Furthermore, not only does a woman need accessorize their outfit but also a man should wear some accessories to accent his attire. You can wear rings, necklaces, bracelets or best mens watches with different outfit.

    What‘s the semi-formal attire mean? It is that men are not required to wear tuxedo, just getting a little more casual, but you should also stick with a dark suit for an evening party or a lighter suit for day event while women should choose a shorter dress or dressy suit. As for the business formal time, a man should in dark and shorter dresses for the ladies. A man who wearing a formal outfit add a watch to accessorize can make a smart and fashionable look. There are vareity of watch can show your personality, such as Sewor mechanical romen watch.

Festive attire
    When the holidays roll around, you might receive an invitation with festive attire required. There may be a majority similar to the formal or semi-formal. However, you should take the festive into consideration before you choose your outfit. For instance, men should wear a red or green tie for the Christmas but not the black one. And a red dress for women is better.

    At last, casual is the least formal requirement for you. Have you ever maintain an attitude that people all have the same interpretation for casual? You are wrong. Sometimes you might run into a sort of dressy casual which would be half step up from casual. During this situation, you should combine a nice pair of trousers with a sports coat. 

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